Social Responsibility

One of our core values at St Anne’s is to ‘Reach Out’ with compassion, humility and service. Our aim is to nurture the 21st Century Old Girl who possesses a high regard for human rights, and has experienced and understood the issues of social justice, gender consciousness, and democracy. As a result, she will have an appreciation of, and respect for, her neighbours, acknowledge her differences, and discern wisdom as a resourced citizen of South Africa and the world by participating in social change, and asserting herself as a woman.

Our Social Responsibility Programme provides the opportunity for each girl to understand her responsibilities to society.


Social responsibility is crucial to the development of our girls, our community, and our nation, which is why STEPP: the St Anne’s Education in Partnership Programme, was formed.

The STEPP Mission

STEPP’s mission is to make excellent education accessible to all South Africans by facilitating the development of under-resourced schools, teachers, managers and learners. To achieve this mission, STEPP partners with communities, schools and government education departments to share competencies within the field of education. The programme also creates libraries in schools through the ‘Making Libraries Happen Programme’.

St Anne’s Girls STEPP Up

Our girls and staff are actively involved in making meaningful change happen through STEPP. Every week, STEPP girls travel out to partnerships to help with English literacy, sport, pre-school skills and science. Not only are there educational benefits for the girls, but the programme facilitates the development of a real relationship with society – one that meets actual needs, creates opportunities to effect positive change in education within the community, and allows our girls to grapple and find ways to deal with the issues we face daily in South Africa.


As one of South Africa's biggest community programmes, STEPP engages in fundraising through this popular platform. By swiping your MySchool card at a partner store, that store makes a contribution on your behalf without any additional cost to you. Sign up for MySchool here.

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved or make a donation, please contact the Head of STEPP, Dr Nicki Kirby, on [email protected].

From The Girls

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    I didn’t know how much we were helping until one day when the teacher hugged me and said ‘you don’t know how much you’ve helped, you have given the children confidence. They can express themselves in class’.

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    Before I became a leader, I didn’t realise how important the skills you develop as a child are – skills such as colouring and throwing a ball. As we became more aware, we also put in more effort.

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    When I first started, I thought it would just be about the children. But I’ve also been affected. I never considered that. The relationships you build really open your eyes. You learn a lot.

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    It has been a big responsibility, but I don’t mind. I do it because I love helping people. I want to educate and inspire them. It’s a privilege for us to go out to the various partnerships … We are facing spatial issues because more and more girls are wanting to attend! We come back with stories and the girls feel really fulfilled returning from partnerships. STEPP provides incredible opportunities to the girls of St Anne’s to partner in our community.

From Our Partners

  • Beauty Maseko, co-founder of Gods Little Lambs Pre-School and founder of Umusa Wenkosi Pre-Schoo

    “Through my association with STEPP, I had the opportunity to do ABET level 4 for free, as well as a Certificate in Education: Participatory Development (CEPD). I’m currently doing a course in project management. And I get a grant from the Department of Education for my Grade R class.”

  • Jethro Ndlela, headmaster of Julukandoda

    “Because of STEPP, our children are now able to try to speak in English, and we have a library in a container, which the children like very much. The lessons made a difference in the children who did the (SMILE) programme and helped them to pass their ANAs (Annual National Assessments). We saw an improvement in their Maths skills. They are being taught Maths in English now, so improvement in English has helped them with Maths as well as literacy.”

  • Yake Hlela, former teacher at Umthoqotho High School

    “I loved my experience with STEPP. It was amazing and transformative. I’m now on sabbatical, working on my masters in education."

  • Mpilwenhle Gumede, Grade 7, Nogqaza Primary School

    “The lessons helped me to be more ambitious.”

  • Msizi Mbonambi, Grade 7, Nogqaza Primary School

    “I met people from different countries using different languages. They told me their stories.”

  • Amahle Mncwango, Grade 7, Nogqaza Primary School

    “I learnt a lot about animals and the things happening in the world from the books we read. Performing a poem made me feel free in front of the other learners, because I am always shy.”